Zach Carminucci - Records

Sitewide records broken by Zach Carminucci. ?

Weekly Records
Monthly Records
Page Info
This page shows you the all-time records set by Zach Carminucci. Breaking a record is a great achievement and will make your player appear on the sitewide Record Book.
Weekly Records The highest recorded stats within a single game week, which is 6 games.
Monthly Records The highest recorded stats within a single game month, which is 24 games.
Yearly Records Yearly records are recorded once a year at the end of the regular season, which lasts 162 games.
Record The record setting stat.
Type The name of the record that was broken.
Player The player that broke the record.
Age The player's age the year they broke the record.
Team The player's team the year they broke the record.
Bonus The number of stars received for breaking the record.
Date The date the player broke the record.
Status Shows if the record still stands or if it has since been broken by a different player.