Detroit Wildcats

American League Central

This Season (5498)
League Standings
Wins Losses Win Pct%
13 12 52
All-Time Record
Historical data shows this team's success across all Baseball Star simulations.
Wins Losses Win Pct%
355 309 53.46
Postseason History
WC Total Wild Card appearances.
DIV Total division titles.
CONF Total conference titles.
WS Total World Series wins.
5 6 2 0

Best Players

The best players currently playing for this team. ?

  Player Achievements  
Rank Career Stars Name Position Team Age Seasons MVP AS POM POW GMVP WS Status
1 168 Yasmani Wright
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
C DET 22 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Active
Table Key
This ranks all players, in the game, that currently play for this team by total stars earned throughout their career. Each player exists in their own separate simulation and is managed by a real person.
  Background color indicating that this is your player.
Career Stars The total number of stars this player has earned. The Hall of Fame ranks all players in the game, including players managed by other accounts, by career stars earned.
Age The player's age during their most recent season.
Seasons The number of seasons this player has spent in the majors.
MVP League MVP awards won. This award is given after the last game of the season.
AS League All-Star awards won. This award is given after the last game of the season.
POM Player of the Month awards won. This award is given to qualifying players once every game month (26 games).
POW Player of the Week awards won. This award is given to qualifying players once every game week (6 games).
GMVP Total Game MVP bonuses this player has earned.
WS The number of World Series this player has won.
Simulation The status of this player's simulation. Running means that this player's career will simulate as scheduled. Paused means that this player's career will not progress until the simulation is unpaused.
Status The status of the player. Active means that the player is still playing in simulated games. Retired indicates that the player's career is done and their simulation has ended. Retired players cannot come out of retirement to play again.