Game Lore

Learn more about some of the special characters in Baseball Star.

Welcome! This page was created in an effort to better describe badges you may see on player profiles around the site. Baseball Star players sometimes discuss their players on our Discord, which in turn results in a player getting a nickname. These players have one-of-a-kind badges on their profile.

Chat with other players by joining our Discord community. Contact us if you have any other questions.

One of the first managers to join Baseball Star was Fingo. He noticed one day that one of his players had exactly 666 career stars and posted about it in on Discord. His player, John O'Sullivan now goes by the nickname "The Devil."

Chat with other players by joining our Discord community. Contact us if you have any other questions.

Gregory Manwich quickly established himself as one of the premier home run hitters in the league. He earned the nickname "Bayou Bomber" after setting the season long home run record with 79!

Chat with other players by joining our Discord community. Contact us if you have any other questions.