Single-Game Records - Plate Appearances

Single-game records across all players on Baseball Star. ?

Single-Game Records - Plate Appearances
Rank Plate Appearances Player Age Game Date
#76 5 Noberto Darensbourg
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
23 1st season Won 7-6
#77 5 Wayne Gretzky
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
19 1st season Won 4-2
#78 5 Etanislao Bibens-Dirkx
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
21 1st season Lost 6-7
#79 5 Zach Carminucci
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23 1st season Lost 1-4
#80 5 Daz Rouwenhorst
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
19 1st season Won 7-4
#81 5 Masahiro Wheeler
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
19 1st season Won 6-4
#82 5 Dietrich Woody
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
24 1st season Lost 3-4
#83 5 R.A. Crain
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
24 1st season Lost 6-7
#84 5 Etanislao Bibens-Dirkx
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
21 1st season Won 8-4
#85 5 Russel Martin
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
24 1st season Won 6-2
#86 5 Daz Rouwenhorst
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
19 1st season Lost 4-7
#87 5 Telmito Camacaro
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
20 1st season Won 5-3
#88 5 Dace Holland
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
23 1st season Won 5-4
#89 5 Ethan Hewit
Managed by lix1318
24 1st season Won 5-3
#90 5 Nicolas Murillo
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
24 1st season Lost 4-6
#91 5 Malique Mench
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
20 1st season Won 5-4
#92 5 Shelby Hoffman
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
20 1st season Won 6-5
#93 5 Malique Mench
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
20 1st season Won 10-3
#94 5 Russel Martin
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
24 1st season Won 5-4
#95 5 Zach Carminucci
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23 1st season Won 10-3
#96 5 Aaron Judge
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
22 1st season Lost 6-8
#97 5 Wayne Gretzky
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
19 1st season Won 8-7
#98 5 Kaiden Monroe
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
21 1st season Won 8-3
#99 5 Dace Holland
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
23 1st season Lost 2-4
#100 5 Paxton Yoshii
Managed by kmattfps Supporter
19 1st season Won 10-5
Page Info
This page shows you the single-game player records for each stat type. Each player exists in their own separate simulation and is managed by a real person.
  Background color indicating that this is your player.
Player The name of the player.
Age The player's current age and season.
Season This column will show you if the player's season is ongoing or if it has finished. If the season has not finished then the number of games played will show with the abbreviation "GP."